Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sacre Coeur

Over the weekend I went to Montmartre with my friend Abbie.  Montmartre is absolutely one of my favorite places in Paris and not just because Amelie was filmed there ;) The area in the 18th arrondissement is quaint but busy and full of life.  If you get off the beaten path you can find some amazing spots to enjoy a cafe without giving in to the typical brasserie picks. Additionally, it is always nice to get away from the tourists.  (Now after 5 months I consider myself a local.. hehe) Montmartre is also known for great vintage/consignment shopping.

I have strolled and shopped in the area and viewed Sacre Coeur from a distance many times before but didn't walk up the hundreds of stairs to get to the church itself.  Mostly because as with most tourist traps, the appeal is lost in the tons of tourists and people selling plastic Eiffel Towers key chains and other cheesy articles. Plus, the "vendors" are quite intimidating and won't take no for an answer. Often attaching things to unsuspecting tourists and then badgering them for money.  Of course my friends and I know to stay away from these traps. (These problems are the biggest annoyance in living in one of the most visited cities in the world)  

There are many relics and practices in Paris because of the devout Catholic history in France.  For example, the public schools still serve fish on Fridays.  Anyway, back to my original rambling... the tens of times I've passed Sacre Coeur I've always stopped and stared at it from the summit of the butte Montmartre. It one of the most beautiful monuments I have ever seen and it gives St Paul's Cathedral (London) a run for its money.  This time, wanting to take pictures for you all, I took the hike and took pictures from a few different angles.  Here they are! Enjoy 

View from the summit

Playing tourist

Abbie and me at the start of our day

Vendor with souvenirs

Violinist playing outside Sacre Couer

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