Monday, January 23, 2012

Photo from Marche de Noel ... (Christmas market)

Come December in Paris there are tons of Christmas markets featured in all the arrondissements and in our villages.  For example, Saint Germain en Laye has a marche de noel as do the villages surrounding it.  Some people go to different ones throughout the month. They are always on the weekends and usually once or twice on the weekdays, the same as the regular markets. They feature typical winter food and vin chaud (warm sweet wine).  They also sell crafts, leather goods, hats, toys, and etc.  

In my opinion, the food was the best part.  Raclette is a cheese that is melted and typically served with cured meats, potato and baguette. It is a common winter food for the French.  You must drink wine with Raclette to help digest the cheese enzymes.  In fact, they advise that you don't drink any water with it... At this particular Marche de Noel in La Defense they had raclette sandwiches! YUMMMM!!!

 Our very own Raclette sandwich..
 My friend Christie (from South Africa) with ours :) 

There was tons of food (as per usual in France)

Scoping out the leather goods

These chocolates were very yummy! They had a light chocolate shell with a fluffy filling inside. Only 1 euro... which is good for the Au Pair's budget 
 A Patisser doing what he does best...

                            Meat and Cheese 

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