Monday, November 28, 2011

Stevie visits Paris :)

  As most of you know Stevie is studying abroad in London for one semester.  During her mid semester break in October she came and stayed with me in France for 10 days!  Here are some photos from our time together.  

The first set of photos are from the Palace of Versailles. 


The desk where the Treaty of Versailles was signed.

Below, the Versailles Gardens

                                     Stevie and I at brunch on a crisp, clear day

 Stevie and Chloe hanging a the park.  We had a nice picnic that day!
 Stevie's first macaroons!

 Playing tour guide for Stevie.  Arc de Triomphe! We climbed to the stop and the next pictures are of us all the way up there!
View from the top...

 Stevie holding the eiffel tower :)

At a concert on Saturday night.

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